Friday, February 24, 2006

Quantum Design Tools

Krysta Svore, Al Aho, Andrew Cross, Ike Chuang and Igor Markov published a paper titled A Layered Software Architecture for Quantum Computing Design Tools in the January issue of IEEE Computer.

The paper is a somewhat general summary of work this group has been doing for a couple of years. It covers their four-phase software architecture, compiling from high-level languages down to an optimized program for a particular circuit layout.

This is, in general, good news; we have definitely reached the point where we need serious, modular tools that can be adapted by various research groups to meet their particular experimental needs, without starting from scratch. And this is just the group of people to do it, and the article suggests that the tools will be open-source.

I have some tools of my own; I will investigate integrating what I've got with what they have accomplished...

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