Thursday, October 03, 2024


A friend of mine on Facebook said they think the U.S. needs a strong leader, and that Donald Trump is that person.

I disagree. Trump is not strong.

Calling your opponent "mentally retarded" is not strong.
Stoking fear and hatred of immigrants instead of asking "what brings people to our shores, and how can we help them get the same opportunities we have had?" is not strong.
Bragging about not paying overtime is not strong.
Failing to pay the arenas where you have held rallies is not strong.
Refusing to admit losing an election is not strong.
Being obsessed with and afraid of sharks is neither particularly strong nor particularly weak, but failing to recognize their importance to the ecosystem is definitely not strong.
Nuking hurricanes is not strong.
Threatening to jail your political opponents and reporters who write stories you don't like is not strong.
Speaking of reporters, mocking a talented reporter who happens to have a physical impairment is not strong.
Mocking those with different accents, dress, speech patterns, body types or other differences is not strong; very likely those people speak multiple languages, have a broader experience of the world, and still struggle every day in a culture not their childhood one -- those people, they are strong.
Allowing yourself to simply take as your own opinion the opinion of whoever talked to you last is not strong.
Torpedoing a bipartisan deal on the southern border simply to allow the situation to fester long enough to become a campaign issue is not strong.
Failing to stand up to extremists in your own party is not strong.
Giving Putin whatever he wants is not strong.
Insulting women, assaulting women and taking away their constitutional rights most definitely is not strong.

I could go on.

But finally, attempting to overthrow the U.S. government and install yourself as some sort of petty tyrant because you are not strong enough to lose with grace is weak and cowardly.

Donald Trump is the opposite of strong in every way.


Harold Felton said...

I hope and wish (since I don't pray) that the friend you wrote this for - is able to read it... AND that a dialogue can occur... Because spouting one (your own) opinion without understanding the other (or even listening politely) - is also not strong... I still see/hear/read about Trump supporters - and I truly don't understand them yet... And I admit that I am weak enough to not even want to engage any of them... The bullying tactic is not strength - but it IS effective on a children's playground... A much BETTER tactic is to ask an ADULT to intervene and create/instill/impose a fair and just order on the mayhem (playground)... H.

rdv said...

Fair enough.

I haven't yet posted this on FB. I also haven't attempted to engage with the friend because they asked people NOT to comment on their posting. (Of course a number of people did anyway.)

Being from West Virginia I have a lot of family and friends who support Trump. I do try to listen to them. I also try not to be confrontational. But even after listening to them, I remain baffled.

The anger and frustration over four decades of stagnation for the majority of Americans is real. It has real causes and consequences. Trump dis not create it, but he taps into a deep reservoir of it. Nevertheless, he is not the person to fix it.

Moreover, as a person he is so deeply flawed that he should not be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office again.

Harold Felton said...

Yeah - Vance is the logical choice for his running mate to tap and direct the anger... Trump is no dummy; but I agree that he is the worst (of evils, if you want) to vote for... I want to make the case though that - ANY commentary just fuels his ego and likelihood to win ... Believe it or not, I would argue that Not publishing this - but rather publishing something else is "better"... For instance, a piece that encourages and highlights Kamala (while reserving anti commentary to saying "the other candidate") and her abilities would be MUCH more effective... Basically "any publicity" is best... Heck, write about her weaknesses and let the other folks flame at your article... The fact that you use Kamala Harris and neglect the other name - would be good... My 2 cents... Love and hugs, h.