Thursday, May 30, 2024

Some Technical Women I Admire

I frequently have need of a list of women whose technical work I admire, so I finally decided to list some of them here. I'm not going to do all of your homework for you; you'll need to look them up yourself. Most of the older ones are fairly obvious names, and have Wikipedia pages. A few aren't famous...yet.
  • Fran Bilas
  • Anne Broadbent
  • kc claffy
  • Lynn Conway
  • Agnes Meyer Driscoll
  • Deborah Estrin
  • Elizabeth Smith Friedman
  • Yvonne Gao
  • Mary Hall
  • Margaret Hamilton
  • Betty Holberton
  • Grace Hopper 
  • Mary Jackson
  • Mae Jemison
  • Betty Jean Jennings
  • Katherine Johnson
  • Kanchana Kanchanasut
  • Elham Kashefi
  • Hedy Lamar
  • Ruth Lichterman
  • Barbara Liskov
  • Ada Lovelace
  • Margaret Martonosi
  • Kay McNulty
  • Maryam Mirzakhani
  • Mio Murao
  • Kae Nemoto
  • Emmy Noether
  • Poppy Northcutt
  • Keiko Okawa
  • Jennifer Rexford
  • Sally Ride
  • Jacquiline Romero
  • Mary Shaw
  • Eve Schooler
  • Donna Strickland
  • Dorothy Vaughn
  • Marlyn Wescoff
  • Suzanne Woolf
  • Lixia Zhang
  • and, of course, my own women students and colleagues!

Note that, of course (as with men), it's possible for someone to do amazing, important technical work but still not be a good person. However, of the ones here I know personally, I will say I admire almost all of them as people as well as scientists/technologists.

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