Monday, March 03, 2008

WIDE Area Director

I was just elected as an Area Director of the WIDE Project. WIDE is Jun Murai's umbrella organization for Internet research, education and operations here in Japan (with tendrils extending through much of Asia, and even the U.S.). Having just been elected, I still have no idea what kind of trouble I've gotten into :-).

WIDE has, I believe, more than 800 active members, about 200 of whom show up for any given WIDE Camp. WIDE Camps happen twice a year, and we are in the spring one right now. Unfortunately, on the shinkansen down here today, it was cloudy, and we couldn't see Mount Fuji. Too bad.

Anyway, it's a two-year term as an AD, and I'm very much looking forward to contributing to the growth and maintenance of WIDE.

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